Robotics Software Engineer looking for contract position in robotics and embedded. My areas of expertise cover mobile and industrial robotics (ROS), robotic simulations, embedded systems, and computer vision. I have acquired practical skills from CERN, EPFL, Cyberbotics ( Webots company), and numerous side projects. I hold a master's degree in Robotics (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering.
Professional Experience
Spes Robotics Ltd.
2021/10 - present
Robotics Software Engineer and Founder
- Developing ROS 2 applications for mobile robots and cobots
- Developing firmware and deploying ROS 2 software to embedded boards
- Developing Deep Reinforcement Learning simulations and algorithms
Cyberbotics Ltd.
2020/09 - 2021/9
Full-time Robotics Software Engineer in Switzerland
- Developed ROS 2 integration for Webots robot simulator
- Integrated ROS 2 SLAM, Navigation, MoveIt2, and ros2_control
- Contributed Webots core and developed various simulations
- Built Deep Reinforcement Learning pipeline and Webots support
Cyberbotics Ltd.
2020/02 - 2020/08
6 months internship (full-time) in Switzerland
- Developed ROS2 driver for e-puck2 physical and simulated robots
- Implemented automatic creation of ROS2 interface from a Webots model
- Extended Webots API to support URDF export
2 months internship (full-time) in Switzerland
- Developed and compared algorithms for acoustic communication
- Implemented the FSK modulation to AVR microcontroller
- Achieved a higher communication speed than the commercial products
12 months internship (full-time) in Switzerland
- Developed notification system (CERNMegabus) based on ActiveMQ
- Coordinated with multiple teams to integrate the system with their services
- Utilized CI/CD builds, Koji, RPM packages and Puppet for deployment
- Deployed and scaled the system to 42,000 Linux machines
CERN / Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative
2017/07 - 2017/09
2 months internship (full-time) in Switzerland & China
- Created a web interface for open-source cosmic ray detector - CosmicPi
- Evaluated advantages of FPGA based trigger for cosmic rays
- Evaluated production in Shenzhen, China (visited xfactory, Seeed Studio...)